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Main » 2009 » June » 1 » Better optimization - higher traffic-more make money
Better optimization - higher traffic-more make money
I apologize to everyone who visits my be very short, or be completely left out. The reason for this is that there are some blogs that are not well optimized for the load. There are also those who do are not optimized, so those blogs visitor spend too much traffic. Need to know that all the visitors to avoid the blogs and web sites that are not optimized for the load. You can have a beautiful page or blog, but they will not apply if the traffic (number of visits) mali. Transportation is very important. Any purpose of your blog's traffic is very important.

This is especially true of those who want to make money online. Without traffic your blog "does not exist." With very little traffic your blog is barely alive. I am writing this because I noticed that there are a lot of blogs that are not well optimized. Such blogs spend a lot of traffic and can be harmful to computer users. Anyone who is a little more perceived to create Web pages and blogs will keep blogs and sites that are not optimized for the load. Because there is no sense that a visitor spends 10-30 MB of traffic in order to leave a comment, or someone say thanks for the visit. Maybe this will do one or no way, but 90% of them will not go back never again. I know that there are paid way to increase traffic, but why pay for something that can be obtained free of charge.

Just need a good optimizing a page or a blog and mutual visits will be done with great pleasure and will soon begin to increase, as will visitors return to your blog and will come in new visitors in larger numbers. Optimize website or blog is very important and for Web search engines, not only for mutual visits. All Web search engines are programmed to automatically recognize the optimization of your site (time to load) and to take as a very important factor for ranking the site. Well-optimized site or blog will have a better ranking on all web browsers. With a better rank comes more traffic, because people looking for anything more than web search engines typically look at the first couple of pages for the search term (keyword-phrase that someone types in a web search engine linked to what he asks), the lower ranked sites are as dead as they can not see through a web search engine.

There are still some factors that strongly influence the ranking of your site as time and traffic to your page, but this will more and more detail in a following post soon. I will now mention here only in relation to the basic load time on a set of optimization, I will write soon on the next postu.Trebate know that the load time of your site one of the main factors that strongly affect the ranking of your site. Load time can be reduced if you reduce the resolution of your picture, if you move content from your homepage to another and to the home page create a link that will take visitors to the desired content, if you remove all unnecessary, etc. If the home contents overcrowded, then the load time of your pages very slowly and spends a lot of traffic and then the visitor will not go to watch your remaining content.

Many people make mistakes about this, because they think they will be successful if all put on the home page because that becomes immediately visible to visitors, but they are just the team to lose visitors because the load time and spending a lot of traffic exceeds the normal limit of each. There are also various programs that may assist you in optimizing your site. In the first place is the need for quality analysis of your site, because no analysis dibre no good optimization, because you can not optimize something until you find out what is actually your site and what is on it well optimized and what is not.

Has these programs and on my page and soon I will recommend some, but I suggest that such programs are using after you read some good and detailed post about optimization site or blog.

So you will learn and properly use such programs. Only sipravnim using such programs you will get maximum results while using defective you can get even worse results than the current. this is very important and significant issue for all owners of the web site or blog, so if someone has something to ask, let him feel free to contact me, you can also use the forum on my site to go to these and other useful topics, the forum is very useful because to him, can pose questions for all of what you wish, to exchange experiences and get many useful answers to your questions.

Forum on my site is only open because this is my site just recently started to work, but feel free to register and participate in the forum's free and very useful and your private data is not misused by my page and UCOZ service whose domain I am very happy to use because it is UCOZ very professional and polite service, which I always answered my question for support within a few hours. I am usually very busy jobs but I will be very happy if someone opened a topic on the forum, or put a question on the forum, I'll be happy to answer this question.

So now, because I am tired and now the 1st June, 02:47: 25 hrs (AM). Tomorrow awaits me regular work and daily responsibilities.

I hope that this is not written in vain and that my post will be useful to everyone. I apologize if there are mistakes in writing letters because it is written on the speed.


Views: 5759 | Added by: alfafriend001 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
Total comments: 241 2 »
22 jenie=)  
posts like this are very much appreciated especially with beginners like me. i am until now trying to do what it takes to increase traffic, infact i lost some when i got so hooked up with facebook. I understand that the download time is important and that your advice is to minimize what is in one's homepage. but how can i put more pages like this one you have? does it go with the theme that you have? do i need to change my theme then? can't i keep myine and just add more pages?

thanks for sharing, and helping. biggrin

23 alfafriend001  
Thanks Jenie, I put my new post titled as the answer to your question, I recommend to all visitors to read that my new post because it contains useful information and links to useful programs to optimize your blog or site, eventually you can increase your PR and traffic to your website or blog, a nice greeting.

24 alfafriend001  
Hi Jeni, it is not necessary to change the subject, you can have multiple pages with any theme, only the keywords should be related to the topic, because it is important for page rank blog. To have more pages that look like my site that I have, it is necessary do a web page like this my web site as a greater possibility of a blog within this web site there is the possibility of writing endless blogs smile

20 Jenny  
I myself agree with this post you have my friend. When i started blogging i don't care about traffic but then i realized that without traffic, your blog is here i am now, plenty traffic and atleast have loyal visitors like you..thanks for that

21 alfafriend001  
Jenny thanks for your so nice comment, that's exactly the site or blog is dead if there is no traffic on it, and optimizing highly affects the traffic, so I wrote this post about optimization, because I even noticed that some sites and blogs should be very long wait until the load, with visitors fleeing from such sites and blogs. smile

13 Claudia Sunshine  
Friend, my husband Luciano thanks that you visit the site and he was very happy that you liked the site. Thank you! Yes, I saw pictures and thought it was from his wife, but is your daughter. It is very good for the mind to have a hobby on the arts. I like to make jewelry, liquid soap and perfume sachets for drawers and remove moths. My friend, try praying with his wife, kneeling you two, is the couch of the room, or in the room, in bed with you, but on your knees and ask God to speak with you: one is a prayer and the other is another prayer after. Ask God to show the love that He has for you, ask Him to speak with you! You will see and feel that there is no reason in life to live if not to the will of God here on earth. You doing this, will see what God can or will do and the lives of you, the blessings that He has for those who seek Him! God bless all of you and your family!

Claudia Sunshine

19 alfafriend001  
Yes, I really like the pages of your husband, and again I come back, my daughter is not currently at home, but when it comes, I will show her the page from your husband. I believe that she will explore with interest the page from your husband.

thank you for the nice words and advice, god bless you

12 Claudia Sunshine  
(Translation of the above words

Here in Brazil is experiencing a movement of spiritual revival, which is an awareness of people who already have Jesus in their lives to carefully monitor their steps and it is time to seek God as never! Because many people need to hear from Jesus, and there are few people who can speak: either because they do not want, or because they put the work of God in the background and have no love for the lives that are at risk of going to hell. So, people have sought intimacy with God, with much prayer, fasting much, much reading of the Bible, the Holy Spirit because it will enable the person to talk. Here in Brazil I think that, in any country, the greater number of people "believers diverted" the people "believers who are seeking God." So, this revival movement aims to draw the attention of these people, because Jesus will go fetch his fiancee, that we, the church there, and we will be raptured. I do every day that I rise to meet Jesus in the clouds, which is going to be so. Take care, look to God, try to talk the plan of salvation for the souls through Jesus and repentance. I try to do my part because I spent many years of my youth without talking about Jesus. Today I am aware of it. Already have some years that I am living a life with God really seriously because I was born and where I was born part of evangelical Protestant church. But we must each have their own experience with God. This is why I speak to you, my friend, so you can pass to your wife and your daughter too, and the other loved his family. What is written in the Bible, the way is there, is what will happen. There are mysteries of God that were not revealed, I think, that people decide to go to God by faith even. I live in thinking about Jesus. Sure, I may happen to die before coming of Jesus for us, and here, in this case, I will before.

18 alfafriend001  
tradução do idioma Português
Com os movimentos religiosos devem ter muito cuidado porque tem bons e maus lado. Através de um movimento religioso de um grande número de fiéis pessoas estão perdidas e, em seguida, não foi capaz de experimentar Deus em si e na sua própria maneira. Creio que cada crente deve encontrá-lo em sua forma específica e devem encontrar Deus em si mesmo. Tudo o que é imposto não tem real valor. Há também grandes números de pessoas em ir à igreja e rezar a Deus, mas um grande número de pessoas vão à igreja porque ela também é o seu vizinho, um grande número de pessoas indo à igreja, e rotineiramente fazer isso como um hábito. Mais uma vez, este entra em jogo tão pouca consciência de muitas pessoas.

Quando você saiu da igreja, em seguida, diz um homem esteve presente na igreja, como se alguém colocá-lo, como alguém bonita ou feia para cantar, no entanto, por favor deixe-me perguntar-lhe se eles são fiéis? Minha opinião também é que muitos padres rotineiramente para o seu trabalho (tarefa, missão) e que muito pouco tempo para cada vez maior sensibilização para os fiéis e os fiéis que a forma correcta de experiência Deus.

11 Claudia Sunshine  
Aqui no Brasil está ocorrendo um movimento espiritual de reavivamento, que é uma conscientização das pessoas que já tem Jesus em suas vidas a vigiarem com cuidado os seus passos e é hora de buscarmos a Deus como nunca! Porque há muitas pessoas precisando ouvir de Jesus, e há poucas pessoas que podem falar: ou porque não querem, ou porque colocam a obra de Deus em segundo plano e não têm amor pelas vidas que estão correndo risco de irem para o inferno. Então, as pessoas têm buscado intimidade com Deus, com bastante oração, bastante jejum, muita leitura da Bíblia, porque assim o Espírito Santo vai capacitando a pessoa para falar. Aqui no Brasil eu acho que existem, em todo país, maior numero de pessoas "crentes desviadas" do que pessoas "crentes que estão buscando a Deus". Então, este movimento de reavivamento tem o objetivo de chamar a atenção destas pessoas, porque Jesus vai voltar pra buscar a Noiva dEle, que somos nós, a Igreja dEle, e vamos ser arrebatados. Eu cuido todos os dias para que eu suba para encontrar com Jesus nas nuvens, que é assim que vai ser. Cuido, busco a Deus, procuro falar do plano de salvação para as almas atraves de Jesus e do arrependimento. Eu procuro fazer a minha parte, porque passei muitos anos da minha juventude sem falar de Jesus. Hoje tenho consciência disso. Já tem alguns anos que estou vivendo uma vida com Deus realmente a sério, porque nasci e desde que nasci faço parte de igreja evangélica protestante. Mas é preciso que cada um tenha a sua própria experiência com Deus. É por isto que falo pra você, meu amigo, para que você possa repassar para a sua esposa e sua filha também, e os outros seus familiares queridos. O que está escrito na Bíblia, do jeito que está lá, é o que vai acontecer. Há mistérios de Deus que não foram revelados, penso eu, que, para que as pessoas decidissem ir até Deus pela fé mesmo. Eu vivo pensando na volta de Jesus. Claro, pode acontecer de eu morrer antes de Jesus vir nos buscar, e aí, neste caso, eu irei antes.

17 alfafriend001  
With the religious movements should be very careful because it have good and bad side. Through a religious movement of a large number of faithful individuals are lost and then was not able to experience God in themselves and in their own way. I believe that each believer should find god in your specific way and must find God in yourself. All that is imposed has no real value. There are also people in large numbers go to church and pray to god, but a large number of people going to church because it is also his neighbor, a large number of people going to church, and routinely do this as a habit. Again this comes into play as little consciousness of many people.

When you went out of the church then tells a man was present in the church, as if someone put on, as someone pretty or ugly to sing, however please let me ask you if they're faithful? My opinion is also that many priests routinely for his job (task, mission) and that very little ever time to increase awareness of the faithful and the faithful that the correct way to experience God.

10 Claudia Sunshine  
Here, just who is buying a car sight zero, you can know that person is rich, or the family has money and help, because in general cars, refrigerators, televisions, everything is bought in installments. It is buying a car and the person takes up to 4 years, or sometimes up to 6 years pay. Home? Be very difficult, but even if the person is rich or have help from family. Many police, prosecutors, judges who are honest, but unfortunately some things have "rotten" in the middle, which damage, sometimes the work of security as a whole. But you know, I do not scare me, because since sin entered the world, the trend was becoming worse all this. So God allowed his son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross, because it stated that there were sacrifices and bloodshed there, for all of us, so that the spiritual kingdom of darkness had not any more condemnation against us. And what Jesus did for us all, for the sins of each one of us, the whole existence of mankind, so He is the One Mediator between God and us. And all who believe in Jesus, as the Son of God was born, lived here in this physical life, but without sin, and died on the cross for us, and raised, believing that each person, and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, it means that it will accept the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for her, and this person, then they repent of their sins and go to live bucscando God, reading the Bible, seeking to sanctification (and sanctification is difficult but not impossible, just control the desires of sin), then the person is a conversion, or before she was about to go to hell, was the path of hell, but to accept the Jesus in your life it back to God, because the veil that separated men from God was torn when Jesus suffered on the cross for us, and then, when we pray, we talk with God, and at the end of the prayer we say "In the Name of Jesus I pray, amen, "He is on the right hand of God and is our advocate, intercede for us. And not only us, but each person who accepts Jesus as their Savior and Lord, the Holy Spirit will dwell within it, and it will address the steps, so that the person will want to avoid sin, becomes have power, with the help of the Holy Spirit for that. It can be any kind of sin: to feel hatred, or unwilling to forgive someone, or want to steal, covet or want things from others, or want to act wrongly committing adultery, or would like to speak lies, all, for God does not exist sin increased, more and not less serious: to God sin is equal. So all that happens in the world, is because this world lies in Malignant ", as the Bible says. But Jesus is very close to pick up His Church, which all who accepted him as Savior and seeking the living God. We can not live without committing sin, because we are human, and only be perfect when we are in heaven in glory with God. But when we commit a sin, the Holy Spirit who dwells in us that makes us feel bad, and then leads us to speak with God, our Father, and repent, ask forgiveness. But this must be done with sincere repentance. There are people, my friend, that stores sin, thinking he can hide from God, but God sees everything, and the Holy Spirit is bothering the person so that she repent and ask forgiveness to God, but sometimes the person is stubborn, or has afraid because sometimes it is a sin that she should apologize to anyone here on earth too, so shut it, and gets sick (the psychology psychosomatic illnesses that are speech), and are, but God made us not to hide nothing of it. Then the person gets sick, gets full of pain, and there is medicine that heals, because the disease has no physical cause, but the awareness that it is claiming that by the sin, the conscience through the Holy Spirit of God. So when a person kills another and not feel anything, no remorse, because it is far from God. But God is waiting with open arms all who repent, because Jesus suffered for all, for all the sins of all.

16 alfafriend001  
yes, and here the cars bought in the rate, even on the rate of pay and insurance for the car, regardless of a lot of people here is not able to pay the rate because the cost of services to citizens not logically very high and at the same salary and a variety of benefits for citizens are very low.

God is perfect positivism, and the people we are imperfect and prone to error. There are good and bad people. Good people will try to be as much as possible like a god, and bad people are trying to show that God does not exist and that they are worthy of every second man and every other in the world.

Forgiveness must deserve, forgiveness can not give someone, even God can not give amnesty to someone without his sincere regret and conversion. Forgiveness should be merit and only then ga automatically receive, because it is law of relations of all the positive and negative. All the world is based on a positive or negative energy. This is about my opinion on the granting or obtaining forgiveness.

9 Claudia Sunshine  
The Income Tax (you saw the post I put on my blog? Is about it) has discounted a lot of people. And social policies has been of help to poor families (food, an amount for each child to attend school), but the problem is that you have the birth control. And the poorest people here will generate children, one after another. The person should have only one child and yet her life was difficult, but it has 4 or 5 children. At the public health, has distribution of contraceptive methods, teach them to take pills and distribute, for women to try to avoid children, but these women, in general, has no understanding, study and discernment is that it must take care even if you can get pregnant and not pay attention to that, then, children are born, look, I am angry. I saw people who had not even able to care for themselves, and was having children. And then you see the federal government giving aid in cash for each child who goes to school, and then so you can see, they do not connect much. I and my husband think that the politicians like it because it is more people voting for them.

15 alfafriend001  
Here, the state encourages as many as the birth of children, because we are very birthrate fell, but I think that the consciousness of people at a low level and that is why a lot of born children, although they are not able to provide a normal life. very difficult to be state controlled. I think that for this problem should try to improve awareness in people, people should know that the stork a crime if the child knowing that it will be hungry and naked, and that will have to depend on the mercy of other people and not only his parents. Small number of people who have enough highly developed consciousness, will never bear a child if they know in advance that he will not be able to provide at least minimum for normal life. Need professional people to raise awareness in people.

8 Claudia Sunshine  
Hello my friend!

I remember well that the war was there. A total nonsensical. Here in Brazil the situation is more or less well: it had much unemployment. And how many colleges, institutions of education / teaching, and culture here is strongly influenced by the culture of other countries, such as the United States, then the child has grown up a collection "What will you be when you grow up?" . The company charges too much, the family, sometimes when supports and is able to this (financial or emotional support it), fine. But families who have not able to provide support, and then have a few cases of people who win in life, studying a lot, alone, attending public schools, which in Brazil are the best. But unfortunately there is no birth control in the country, and I think it should already be having this type of control for a long time, because the crime has increased a lot. The interior of the capital cities with rates of crime are almost equal to the index of capital. Here there is and always will be corruption in all sectors. Here we a democracy, then people say, are "charges" that are jokes, the political scandals with public money.

14 alfafriend001  
We understand my friend, also has all this, sadly is what some negative effects even considered normal for here. Children go to school, but without enthusiasm because they know in advance that they will not easily find work in their professions. Bribery and corruption are also present. Recently I was in court because of work conflict and are very dissapointed, because my whole process of trials and the judicial system look like a set as a match, do not judge the fairness. I have not yet received the verdict, but I know in advance that will probably lose even though I'm completely right. I hope that at least our children will be better, but this is now what is the great terror. Just that one of the politicians followed the phone call and that is how he wants. When have time I will write about some of my future blog, waiting for the verdict so I will see.

7 elipluco  
naon maksudna, saya mah gak ngerti atuh,

4 Claudia Sunshine  
Ah, moj prijatelju, ne brinite. Moj muž željela znati iz koje zemlje ste bili, a ja ne reagira. Samo to. A sada da ste razumjeli i Bosni / Hrvatskoj. Znam, da, na ime, kao i uvijek kada je u Svjetskom kupu i na Olimpijadi, slijedimo TV. Koje pravne, njihov jezik je hrvatski! Ovdje ćemo govoriti portugalski (brazilski portugalski se zove, koji je nešto drugačiji od Portugalski Portugala). Ovdje se godišnje doba kad sam bio dijete, u 1980-ih, još su označeni, lako biti identificiran. Ali za neke 10 ili 15 godina ovdje, ovisno o regiji Brazil, niti odgovarajuće ljeto, koje će dati za odlazak na plažu. Fenomene klime koji rade ovdje u naš kontinent, nazvan The Gnijezdo i The Nest (koji se razlikuju za svako godišnje), napravio je nered u godišnja doba, tako da ponekad postoje poplavama na jugoistoku (gdje je naš Država), a ponekad je vrlo, vrlo suha, ali čak i ovdje na jugoistoku i jugu, oštećivanje glavnih usjeva. Konačno, godišnja doba, s njihovim znakovi, u Brazilu, su pomalo nesređen u odnosu na 1980. Evo, naša zemlja je sjajna, i regiji većinu plaža zagarantovano da ide u tom praktički cijele godine je toplina i temperatura vode mora i obično se toplo, plaže su na sjeveroistoku. Moj muž i ja išli dvaput u grad Porto Seguro (koji su došli prvi u Álvares Pedro Cabral, na portugalskom, tako da su naši doseljenici na portugalskom), u Bahia. Ali cijela obala od Sjeveroistok (sjeveroistočnom Države) je vrlo lijepa. Maceio (grad), Recife (grad), Natal (grad), su mjesta od najljepših plaža, po mom mišljenju. Grad Fernando de Noronha, otok koji je lijep kao raj, ali je vrlo skupo, to ići tamo: od vrijednosti airfare na prenoćište u hotelima. To je prostor za očuvanje okoliša, onda se čini da ima kontrolu broj posjetitelja na otoku, koje godišnje doba. To je zapravo prilično skupo otići tamo, barem za kupovne moći i moj muž je jako skupo. Mi obično idu na plaži koja je upravo ovdje u našem State of São Paulo, gdje se grad zove Caraguatatuba. Također grada Ubatuba ima lijepe plaže. Ali te moram ići od siječnja, da je more voda s temperaturom je dobro, nije toplo, ali ne previše hladno. U dobrim vremenima kad sam bio dijete, što bi moglo ići na more već u studenom. Ne znam ako sam ti da je moj muž ima web stranicu, vrlo je poučan, u kojoj on poučava da skulpture. On je u plastičnom svijetu. On je napravio sajt (programiranje), fotografije u tutoriali, onoga koji je to učinio. Imati nekoliko transparente s linkovima na web stranice za svoje prijatelje, koji su također umjetnika. Je banner sa linkom na moj blog previše. Posjetite bilo. Žao mi je ako sam već spomenuo da se njegov site, jer ja sam malo zaboravljena. Adresa web stranice je

ću vam to prevesti u Google prevoditelj na Vašem jeziku. Ali, kao što ja ne znam ako je dobar prevoditelj, te je samo jednom sam ovdje, ja ću se također prevesti na engleski jezik.

Ostani s Bogom, vama i vašoj obitelji!

Claudia Sunshine

5 alfafriend001  
hvala na iscrpnom komentaru moja prijateljice, znam da google prevoditelj nije savršen ali je jako dobar i ja sam sve razumio. Znam da je Brazil jedna lijepa egzotična zemlja i da ima puno jako lijepih plaža. Nisam nikada bio u Brazilu ali bih volio ako mi život dadne nekada priliku za to.

Znam da je vaš jezik portugalski, znam da vi imate naj bolju nogometnu reprezentaciju, znam da imate vrhunske sportaše u borilačkim sportovima.

Moja zemlja je malena i ne tako davno, ovdje je bio rat, rat je ostavio jako velike i negativne posljedice na svim područjima života,ekonomiji,standardu,proizvodnji,medjuljudskim odnosima itd. Ljudi ovdje jako slabo žive, osim pojedinaca, prisiljeni su ići trbuhom za kruhom, tako često idu u druge države da bi nešto zaradili i osigurali njihovoj obitelji. Ovdje teško nalaze neki pristojan posao pa i kad ga nađu tada budu jako malo plaćeni. O pravdi i pravnom funkcioniranju da i ne pričam jer je to sve jako loše.

drago mi je da si mi dala stranicu od tvoga muža, posjetiti ću je svakako. Moja kćerka ima talenta za crtanje, neke njene slike su u mom foto albumu. Ima ona puno više njenih slika ali ih ja trenutno ne mogu staviti jer mi je kompjutor u kvaru, naime kad je grmilo i bila oluja pregorio mi je USB ulaz pa ne mogu unositi nove slike, popravak puno košta pa mi preostaje jedino čekati kad mognem kupiti novi kompjuter. Ja takodjer imam talent za crtati slike ali meni životne okolnosti nisu dopustile da moj talent dođe do izražaja. Nadam se da će moja kćerka uspjeti.

Božji blagoslov

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