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17.03.2009, 09:41:57
Pozdrav svima-regards all !
HRVATSKI JEZIK Tema (zarada internetom)
sam da uradim jedan ovakav sajt na temu zarada internetom i odmah
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My friend, I have a prayer for you and your family. "Great God, Great Father, I thank you for another day of this life and the opportunity to pray this now by my friend and also for his family. My Lord, I ask that you visit his life. If you need guidance in his life in any area of his life, the Lord is guiding and giving direction, because the Lord loves us all, humans, and wants each of us seek the Lord. I know Your love is so great for us, my God, that everything that you want is to seek your face, who spent time talking with the Lord in prayer and reading His Word, so you can guide us to live in this world so full of things bad that you do not like. Lord Jesus, thank you for all that you did that cross for each one of us. I also thank the friendly company of the Holy Spirit of God that it can help with the next, living here in this world, waiting His return to the search, to search for His Church. Now, Jesus, I ask you to visit this my friend. Show him the love that the Lord has for him, by his family and for every person in the world, Lord. Mainly talk to him, show my friend how this is different and wonderful life following the Lord, because it really is what gives meaning to our life here in this world. Bless you, Lord, that my friend and his family each, with all blessings of luck that only the Lord has to offer! That all I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen! Praise the Holy, Eternal and Almighty Name of Jesus! God bless you, my friend!
c My friend, I have a prayer for you and your family. "Great God, Great Father, I thank you for another day of this life and the opportunity to pray this now by my friend and also for his family. My Lord, I ask that you visit his life. If you need guidance in his life in any area of his life, the Lord is guiding and giving direction, because the Lord loves us all, humans, and wants each of us seek the Lord. I know Your love is so great for us, my God, that everything that you want is to seek your face, who spent time talking with the Lord in prayer and reading His Word, so you can guide us to live in this world so full of things bad that you do not like. Lord Jesus, thank you for all that you did that cross for each one of us. I also thank the friendly company of the Holy Spirit of God that it can help with the next, living here in this world, waiting His return to the search, to search for His Church. Now, Jesus, I ask you to visit this my friend. Show him the love that the Lord has for him, by his family and for every person in the world, Lord. Mainly talk to him, show my friend how this is different and wonderful life following the Lord, because it really is what gives meaning to our life here in this world. Bless you, Lord, that my friend and his family each, with all blessings of luck that only the Lord has to offer! That all I ask you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen! Praise the Holy, Eternal and Almighty Name of Jesus! God bless you, my friend!
Think: He suffered to redeem all mankind from sin, or was too much, the sacrifice that Jesus faced in that cross was too large. But it was necessary so that the ballot we were condemned and torn lose the value before the spiritual world. He resurrected the third day, and the right of God the Father, awaiting the moment when the Father vai mandar He will get his church, but will not put their feet here on Earth, and yes, Jesus will find the church it in the air, it is floating. You know who the church is it, my friend? People, listening to this whole plan of God for us, who believe Jesus is the Son of God, that He was born of the Virgin Mary and was conceived by the Holy Spirit of God. Those who believe this, and believe that Jesus is truly the Son of God, and believe that He suffered on that cross for the sins of us all, all of humanity, each person, and resurrected. So, people who believe this, and they repent of their sins, and come to live a life seeking God, observing the precepts of God are in His Word (the Holy Bible), and these people ask God for his forgiveness sins with sincere repentance and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives (He has that cross to save us from the clutches of the spiritual kingdom). All these people who do so, leaving the worship of idols, leaving the taste to live a life committing sins, but to seek God, ask God for the help to live a happy life according to God, these are people who make up the His Church. Resurrected when Jesus not only us, but let the Holy Spirit of God that will live in the soul, the heart of each person to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and to repent of their sins with sincerity, asking forgiveness of God ( First read Epístola of John 1:5 to 10 - Holy Bible). It is the Holy Spirit of God who helps us to seek a life straight before God, a life so that we will acquire the few horror for sin. Gradually, as we seek God, always reading the Bible (which is our food is and how to know God), the Great Spirit of God helps us. We can not live without sin, because the human nature is sinful, but the Holy Spirit of God that dwells in the lives of these people will learn and the more we seek God, our character is being shaped and become more like the character of Jesus Christ. Because the Bible says you must live in peace with everyone and get the sanctification, because without the sanctification nobody will see the Lord (read Hebrews 12:14 and 15 - Holy Bible). So, my friend, I say to you that life here in this world is temporary, but there is eternal life, is in the heaven in hell. To heaven are the people who understand the plan of salvation, accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives and confess their sins to God, asking forgiveness, feel sincere repentance (because God sees, He knows what's inside the human heart), and from there pass to get to God, come to look for to know God by reading His Word, which is the Bible. To hell will not people accept the Jesus as His Lord and Savior, and that therefore do not repent of their sins, but have not agreed with this attitude, despised the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and chose to live a life away from God, talking about sin, living in unpleasant in the eyes of God. The Bible speaks clearly to people who are (read Revelation 21:8 - Holy Bible).
Not in any way inconvenience I see you visit my blog, my friend! You can come as often as you like and will always be very welcome in the Name of Jesus! Just wanted to ask out of curiosity even. It is that sometimes we forget the scope that the Internet is, and I am surprised as anyone by far as you could have found my blog. Indeed, the Internet has the much shorter distances! I am a Protestant Christian. Has no problem with you coming to my blog to be Catholic! Look, by my faith, I must write something very important to you, and that you pass to your family: This world we live in this planet Earth, the universe, and everything that exists including us, human beings, everything was created by a single God. Having created the world and seeing that sin had entered the world, things were getting worse, people were increasingly moving away from God, committing sins increasingly disregarding God completely. That you can see mostly in the books of Genesis and Exodus in the Bible. The situation was so bad for humans, that God has a plan so people have a kind of bridge to return to communion with God. This bridge was the Son of God Jesus. He was God born as man, lived as a man but without sin. He taught His Gospel, and told his disciples to continue that work, that work, the preaching of Christianity. Also because, in the Old Testament, people made sacrifices, rituals that, at that time had value. But when Jesus came they showed ways to cleanse the sins was no longer valid, because no matter if it does not happen in heart sincere repentance of the people. Jesus, as lived here in the world and see people and especially meet with his disciples, he said that God knows the heart, the intention of the heart. So, my friend, nothing to advance the rituals, the offerings of sacrifice, the hearts of people do not repent and continue to live a life of sin. God loved us so much that delivered Jesus, her only son to suffer and die on that cross to redeem us for our sins (read John 3:16 to 21 - Holy Bible). I used here the term "bridge", but in truth as in the Bible is that Jesus is the Mediator of the new covenant between God and us (read Hebrews 9:11 to 22 - Holy Bible).
Desculpe, mas, como você encontrou o meu blog? Você é cristão? (português) Maaf, tapi Anda menemukan blog saya? Apakah Anda Kristen? (indonésio) Sorry, but you found my blog? Are you Christian? (inglês)
Answer: Sorry my friend because I am just now seen your comment, yes, I am a Christian, precisely as a Catholic, they ate it so important if we believe that God is only one, to me personally does not matter what religion one is, but it is important to me, what is someone's personality as a man (ate a good man or bad). People were divided in different religions from their own weaknesses. So much time has passed and people are still so far away. Yes, I found your blog via google follow-gadget and I really like it that someone like you publicly stating that his life devoted to God and that I do not asked that you are my religion nor is it important, for me there only one God. If something bothers you that I come to your blog, then you feel free to tell me and I will not come, because I do not want to inconvenience anyone. The most beautiful greeting to you from me.